The documentary, which was originally titled "History of the Hager Hotel", has since been renamed to "Haunting of the Hager Hotel" due to the unusual finds which were discovered during filming. Among the finds were several pieces of silverware from the hotel fire in 1926, as well as several blood-covered items including a serving tray, glass mug, and a bird skeleton.
The show's producer, Ken Buckler, stated that he was commissioned by Authentic Community Theatre to create the documentary to help celebrate the building's arts and entertainment heritage. Buckler is the producer of a web series called "History Hub Hunters" which explores local history through metal detecting.
The hotel previously was host to many entertainers who performed at the nearby Maryland Theatre. One of the musicians staying at the hotel was injured in the 1926 fire while evacuating the building, which at the time was called the "Castello Hotel". Other tragedies at the hotel include the mysterious 1940 death of a 17-year-old, and a brutal attack in 1941 when a resident of the hotel was beaten and thrown down a flight of steps.
"The first part of the documentary, upstairs, was going absolutely fantastic," said Buckler, "but when we got in the basement, things really took a turn for the weird."
Due to the age of the items, as well as the fact that there are no unsolved cases involving the building, law enforcement was not involved. Local government representatives were unavailable for comment.
The complete documentary will be available for viewing at the website,