Sunday, August 24, 2014

Questionnaire Emailed to Board of Education Candidates

In order to help Washington County voters be as well informed as possible, I have sent the following questionnaire to all Board of Education candidates.

I am the editor of the WashCo Chronicle, and currently working on covering local elections. Since you are a candidate in the November Gubernatorial Election, the following are the questions I wish to cover as part of the WashCo Chronicle.  Your assistance with this will be appreciated!
All responses will be published as received, and no editorial comments will be added.  Nothing will be added or removed from your response, so that voters can see the "raw" story.  All candidates are being sent the same questions.
Your participation is much appreciated!
1) Why should the citizens of Washington County vote for you to become a member of the Board of Education?
2) What do you feel the most important challenge is facing today's students? How can the county overcome this challenge, and meet the students' needs?
3) What has been your biggest challenge in your campaign so far? How have you overcome it?
4) How do you plan to improve the educational environment for our students?
5) An issue on everyone's mind lately is Common Core.  What are your thoughts on Common Core? Should WCPS implement this national standard, should only local standards be developed to meet local needs, or a combination of both? Please explain.
6) Do you feel that it is more important to elect same-minded individuals to the Board of Education, or more important to elect those with dissenting points of view, to provide a broader range of options? Please explain.
7) An important part of life is learning from the past, and relaying those life lessons to our children so that they can also learn. What is one of the toughest personal challenges you've faced in your life, and how have you overcome it?
8) Do you have any closing remarks you would like to share?
Thank you very much for participating in this questionnaire, and I look forward to publishing the results.
Ken Buckler
Editor, WashCo Chronicle

The above was emailed to all candidates who made it past the primary. This list will be updated as the candidates respond.

Mike Guessford (Awaiting Response)
Karen J. Harshman (Awaiting Response)
Stan Stouffer (Awaiting Response)
Jacqueline Fischer - Received
Ryan Richard Miner - Received
Peter E. Perini Sr. (Awaiting Response)